on intra- and interpersonal and systemic processes and justice systems
an awareness of these processes is relevant in relation to justice systems and should be considered in design as much as in practice of these
- Radical Psychiatry: The Second Decade
- Polysecure - Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Non-monogamy, Jessica Fern
- Nonviolent Communication - A Language of Life, Deepak Chopra, Marshall Rosenberg
- Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, Irvin Yalom
- Single-Session Therapy by Walk-In or Appointment - Administrative, Clinical, and Supervisory Aspects of One-at-a-Time Services
- 1001 Solution focused questions Handbook for Solution focused Interviewing, Frederike Bannink
- Gender and Emotion - Social Psychological Perspectives
- Restorative Justice - Eine radikale Vision, Rehzi Malzahn
- Creative Interventions - A practical guide to stop interpersonal violence
- Against Democracy, Jason Brennan
- The Systemic Way
- Strafe neu Denken - Jenseits von Schuld und Sühne
- (Perspectives: )What is Accountability?